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作者: 来源: 发布时间:2018/12/21 浏览:112

A passage of words

There are moments in life that touch our soul make us feel grateful with God’s blessings. All the people I met this year were unbelievable warm-hearted and thankful. Today I went to the He Eye Specialist Hospital (HESH) to visit some patients and pay for their surgery in name of the German Christmas market Team. Thanks to all of your support, we have until now helped the School for blind children (with paper and pens for Braille), the elderly home (with food,soap,towels and the help of BBA-ASR) and 8 persons to recover the sights-(with help of Shenyang EYE-Clinic). A last activity will follow I will keep you posted. In name of all the people that got helped BiG BIG THANKS #GivingbacktoShenyang #ShenyangGermanChristmasmarket2017



7月23日,Maria作为捐赠方German Christmas  Market Team代表和爱之光防盲基金会的工作人员一起到医院看望复明的受助患者。真切接触到受助人,感受到他们复明后的灿烂笑容和发自内心的感谢,Maria被深深的触动了,给我们发来了文章开篇的公益感言。

由在沈阳的外国友人组成的Christmas German Market Team很早就关注并投身于公益,早在2006年,他们就曾经给爱之光防盲基金会捐赠过善款,时隔十二年Christmas German Market Team再一次携手爱之光防盲基金会,捐赠资助了8位来自沈阳农村地区的贫困眼病患者,感恩各位外国朋友对中国贫困眼病患者的关怀与帮助。



